Administrative Infrastructure Pays Dividends - Phoenix Financial Services

Sponsors should concentrate on investments. Their wholesalers should concentrate on selling. Those with outsourced administration are better prepared for interruptions to either or both. An uninterrupted professional investor and advisor facing team allows you to deal with major problems that erupt without sacrificing attention to your investor base. Outsourced fund operations improves your ability to face challenges without concern for investor data security, continued processing of new business, communication with investors through familiar channels, responses to an upsurge in client phone calls and all the everyday business of investor service.

The COVID-19 pandemic crisis is an opportunity to re-evaluate your systems, practices and staffing. Phoenix American’s pandemic recovery plan established operational team redundancy and alternating shifts working remotely for seamless business continuity for our clients during a crisis like COVID-19.

Read More: How To Emerge From COVID-19 Stronger

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