Understand Your Current Investors - Phoenix American

 The most likely investors in your next fund are your existing investors. You have already cultivated a relationship with them, familiarized them with the way that you do business and given them the benefit of your management skills with healthy returns on investment. But what has been their day-to-day investor experience? Do their tax documents arrive on time? Is the performance reporting they receive clear and easy to understand? Have their questions been answered in a prompt and helpful way? Do they have web portal access to their account information that meets their needs, provides needful things like statements and tax documents and allows them to communicate easily with management. The return on their investment dollar aside, what is the general feeling they have about being an investor in your fund? If their general feeling is unsettled in any way your investors, in conversation with their financial advisors, may decide to diversify away from your offerings to something that promises a similar return.


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